Alice is an off-line reader with an outstanding user-interface. Alice follows the principle that the best manual is the manual you don’t need, but now that I wrote this manual, you might as well read it. It will help you get the most out of Alice.
What is Alice?
Alice is a message editor for use with messages you can get from many BBSs. Alice handles the following message formats:
Offline: BlueWave, QWK, XRS
Point: Fidonet (1), ZERBERUS net (2)
Ask your sysop which message format you may use!
An example of a typical offline readers use:
- write some messages with Alice
- connect with the mailbox using a terminal application
- upload of message pakets which Alice generated
- download of new messages
- disconnect from mailbox
- Alice unpacks the new messages automaticly
- read the new messages with Alice
- write …
Using a point system the middle part will be done automatically. To do so, you need some other applications:
(1) for Fidonet "T2" and a mailer (ex. "Charon" or "Formula One")
(2) for ZERBERUS net "Natascha"
Copyrights & Registration
Alice 2 is Shareware. You are encouraged to make copies of Alice and pass them on, but you must always pass on the entire unmodified package.
Michael Keller and mine design hold all rights to Alice and its documentation and reserves the right to take legal action against any and all infringers.
Alice is provided "as is". Neither the author nor mine design assume any responsability for any direct, consequential or other damages arising from its use. The user assumes sole responsability for Alice's performance.
If you use BlueWave, QWK, XRS or T2 boxes, you must register ALICE after 30 days.
If you use Natascha boxes, you must register NATASCHA after 30 days.
Otherwise stop using those boxes and destroy all copies out of the Alice paket.
Until you register, every message you write will tell the world how long you have been using Alice, and a dialog box will pop up every time you launch Alice.
The shareware fee for Alice is 15 US$. If you want to get the latest version on disk the fee is 20 US$.
Send the shareware fee in cash or Postal-Money-Order to:
Michael Keller
Voglersheck 15
35753 Greifenstein
Be sure to give your address! Please print.
Within two weeks, postal systems permitting, you will receive a letter with your registration key and instructions for registering the program. The key will remain valid up to Alice version 2.9. There will certainly be some provision for upgrading to Alice 3.0 should it become available. If you don't receive your registration key, e-mail me at:
Fidonet: Michael Keller @ 2:244/1630.102
CompuServe: Michael Keller, UserID:100041,17
Updates / Getting the Paket on Disk
You will always find the current version of Alice, Natascha and T2 on CompuServe and at the "Rhein-Main-BBS" (Sysop Duncan McNutt, FidoNet: 2:244/1630, 49-6101-41471).
If you send 5$ cash (please note: no Postal-Money-Order is accepted with this low amount!!) you will receive a disk with Alice and T2.
Special Thanks
Special thanks to:
Duncan McNutt, Christopher Ferebee, Harry Weppner, Michael Grossmann
Michael Keller, June 1994
What’s in a name…
Alice is named in honor of Alice Schwarzer, who publishes the woman’s magazine "Emma" and moderates a very nice talk show on the local TV station.